Officer on special duty : বিশেষ কর্মে নিযুক্ত অফিসার;
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officer on special duty  See Words Also In
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Appropriate Prepositions
Cause of(কারণ): Industry is the cause of your success.
Convict of(দোষী সাব্যস্ত হওয়া): The accused person was convicted of the murder.
Indulge in (প্রশ্রয় দেওয়া): You should not indulge in idleness.
Look after (দেখাশুনা): He looks after me.
Make from (কোনো উপকরণ দ্বারা সরাসরি তৈরী নয় বোঝাতে): Paper is made from bamboo.
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At-fault (guilty-কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ়, অপরাধ, দোষ adj.) You are at fault.
Bad names (গালমন্দ—n) He called the man bad names.
Make both ends meet (আয় ব্যয় মেলানো): I cannot make both ends meet with my small income.
Pick one’s pocket (পকেট মারা)— He tried to pick my pocket.
To the utmost (যথাসাধ্য) - I tried to the utmost of my ability to have a job.